This looks like a good conference, put on by friends at the Family Policy Institute of Washington in Bellevue on May 16th. One day, Wayne Grudem, and free–hard to beat. Sign up here. From the flyer:
The purpose of the conference is to help church leaders think biblically about the relationship between the church and civil government. During the course of their ministry, every pastor is forced to deal with people in their congregations to have different opinions on controversial issues. They are also required to make a decision about how they will deal with, or not deal with, these cultural issues. Dr. Grudem is one of the most well-respected theologians in America today, and his knowledge and insight into scripture will provide revealing, and perhaps surprising, answers to these question.
Topics that will be discussed include:
- Will my tax exempt status be threatened if I discuss political issues?
- What does scripture say about civil government and the church?
- Should I care how my church votes, or if they vote at all?
- Should I speak to my congregation about political issues?
- Is it biblical to say “We don’t discuss political issues”